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Old Testament:  Ezekiel 40-41

Ezekiel 40

The New Temple Area
 1  On April 28, [1]  during the twenty-fifth year of our captivity—fourteen years after the fall of Jerusalem—the LORD took hold of me.  2  In a vision from God he took me to the land of Israel and set me down on a very high mountain. From there I could see toward the south what appeared to be a city.  3  As he brought me nearer, I saw a man whose face shone like bronze standing beside a gateway entrance. He was holding in his hand a linen measuring cord and a measuring rod.
   4  He said to me, "Son of man, watch and listen. Pay close attention to everything I show you. You have been brought here so I can show you many things. Then you will return to the people of Israel and tell them everything you have seen."

The East Gateway
 5  I could see a wall completely surrounding the Temple area. The man took a measuring rod that was 10½ feet [5]  long and measured the wall, and the wall was 10½ feet [5]  thick and 10½ feet high.
   6  Then he went over to the eastern gateway. He climbed the steps and measured the threshold of the gateway; it was 10½ feet front to back. [6]   7  There were guard alcoves on each side built into the gateway passage. Each of these alcoves was 10½ feet square, with a distance between them of 8¾ feet [7]  along the passage wall. The gateway's inner threshold, which led to the entry room at the inner end of the gateway passage, was 10½ feet front to back.  8  He also measured the entry room of the gateway. [8]   9  It was 14 feet [9]  across, with supporting columns 3½ feet [9]  thick. This entry room was at the inner end of the gateway structure, facing toward the Temple.
   10  There were three guard alcoves on each side of the gateway passage. Each had the same measurements, and the dividing walls separating them were also identical.  11  The man measured the gateway entrance, which was 17½ feet [11]  wide at the opening and 22¾ feet [11]  wide in the gateway passage.  12  In front of each of the guard alcoves was a 21-inch [12]  curb. The alcoves themselves were 10½ feet [12]  on each side.
   13  Then he measured the entire width of the gateway, measuring the distance between the back walls of facing guard alcoves; this distance was 43¾ feet. [13]   14  He measured the dividing walls all along the inside of the gateway up to the entry room of the gateway; this distance was 105 feet. [14]   15  The full length of the gateway passage was 87½ feet [15]  from one end to the other.  16  There were recessed windows that narrowed inward through the walls of the guard alcoves and their dividing walls. There were also windows in the entry room. The surfaces of the dividing walls were decorated with carved palm trees.

The Outer Courtyard
 17  Then the man brought me through the gateway into the outer courtyard of the Temple. A stone pavement ran along the walls of the courtyard, and thirty rooms were built against the walls, opening onto the pavement.  18  This pavement flanked the gates and extended out from the walls into the courtyard the same distance as the gateway entrance. This was the lower pavement.  19  Then the man measured across the Temple's outer courtyard between the outer and inner gateways; the distance was 175 feet. [19] 

The North Gateway
 20  The man measured the gateway on the north just like the one on the east.  21  Here, too, there were three guard alcoves on each side, with dividing walls and an entry room. All the measurements matched those of the east gateway. The gateway passage was 87½ feet long and 43¾ feet wide between the back walls of facing guard alcoves.  22  The windows, the entry room, and the palm tree decorations were identical to those in the east gateway. There were seven steps leading up to the gateway entrance, and the entry room was at the inner end of the gateway passage.  23  Here on the north side, just as on the east, there was another gateway leading to the Temple's inner courtyard directly opposite this outer gateway. The distance between the two gateways was 175 feet.

The South Gateway
 24  Then the man took me around to the south gateway and measured its various parts, and they were exactly the same as in the others.  25  It had windows along the walls as the others did, and there was an entry room where the gateway passage opened into the outer courtyard. And like the others, the gateway passage was 87½ feet long and 43¾ feet wide between the back walls of facing guard alcoves.  26  This gateway also had a stairway of seven steps leading up to it, and an entry room at the inner end, and palm tree decorations along the dividing walls.  27  And here again, directly opposite the outer gateway, was another gateway that led into the inner courtyard. The distance between the two gateways was 175 feet.

Gateways to the Inner Courtyard
 28  Then the man took me to the south gateway leading into the inner courtyard. He measured it, and it had the same measurements as the other gateways.  29  Its guard alcoves, dividing walls, and entry room were the same size as those in the others. It also had windows along its walls and in the entry room. And like the others, the gateway passage was 87½ feet long and 43¾ feet wide.  30  (The entry rooms of the gateways leading into the inner courtyard were 14 feet [30]  across and 43¾ feet wide.)  31  The entry room to the south gateway faced into the outer courtyard. It had palm tree decorations on its columns, and there were eight steps leading to its entrance.
   32  Then he took me to the east gateway leading to the inner courtyard. He measured it, and it had the same measurements as the other gateways.  33  Its guard alcoves, dividing walls, and entry room were the same size as those of the others, and there were windows along the walls and in the entry room. The gateway passage measured 87½ feet long and 43¾ feet wide.  34  Its entry room faced into the outer courtyard. It had palm tree decorations on its columns, and there were eight steps leading to its entrance.
   35  Then he took me around to the north gateway leading to the inner courtyard. He measured it, and it had the same measurements as the other gateways.  36  The guard alcoves, dividing walls, and entry room of this gateway had the same measurements as in the others and the same window arrangements. The gateway passage measured 87½ feet long and 43¾ feet wide.  37  Its entry room faced into the outer courtyard, and it had palm tree decorations on the columns. There were eight steps leading to its entrance.

Rooms for Preparing Sacrifices
 38  A door led from the entry room of one of the inner gateways into a side room, where the meat for sacrifices was washed.  39  On each side of this entry room were two tables, where the sacrificial animals were slaughtered for the burnt offerings, sin offerings, and guilt offerings.  40  Outside the entry room, on each side of the stairs going up to the north entrance, were two more tables.  41  So there were eight tables in all—four inside and four outside—where the sacrifices were cut up and prepared.  42  There were also four tables of finished stone for preparation of the burnt offerings, each 31½ inches square and 21 inches high. [42]  On these tables were placed the butchering knives and other implements for slaughtering the sacrificial animals.  43  There were hooks, each 3 inches [43]  long, fastened to the foyer walls. The sacrificial meat was laid on the tables.

Rooms for the Priests
 44  Inside the inner courtyard were two rooms, [44]  one beside the north gateway, facing south, and the other beside the south [44]  gateway, facing north.  45  And the man said to me, "The room beside the north inner gate is for the priests who supervise the Temple maintenance.  46  The room beside the south inner gate is for the priests in charge of the altar—the descendants of Zadok—for they alone of all the Levites may approach the LORD to minister to him."

The Inner Courtyard and Temple
 47  Then the man measured the inner courtyard, and it was a square, 175 feet wide and 175 feet across. The altar stood in the courtyard in front of the Temple.  48  Then he brought me to the entry room of the Temple. He measured the walls on either side of the opening to the entry room, and they were 8¾ feet thick. The entrance itself was 24½ feet wide, and the walls on each side of the entrance were an additional 5¼ feet long. [48]   49  The entry room was 35 feet [49]  wide and 21 feet [49]  deep. There were ten steps leading up to it, with a column on each side.

Ezekiel 41

 1  After that, the man brought me into the sanctuary of the Temple. He measured the walls on either side of its doorway, and they were 10½ feet [1]  thick.  2  The doorway was 17½ feet [2]  wide, and the walls on each side of it were 8¾ feet [2]  long. The sanctuary itself was 70 feet long and 35 feet wide. [2] 
   3  Then he went beyond the sanctuary into the inner room. He measured the walls on either side of its entrance, and they were 3½ feet [3]  thick. The entrance was 10½ feet wide, and the walls on each side of the entrance were 12¼ feet [3]  long.  4  The inner room of the sanctuary was 35 feet [4]  long and 35 feet wide. "This," he told me, "is the Most Holy Place."
   5  Then he measured the wall of the Temple, and it was 10½ feet thick. There was a row of rooms along the outside wall; each room was 7 feet [5]  wide.  6  These side rooms were built in three levels, one above the other, with thirty rooms on each level. The supports for these side rooms rested on exterior ledges on the Temple wall; they did not extend into the wall.  7  Each level was wider than the one below it, corresponding to the narrowing of the Temple wall as it rose higher. A stairway led up from the bottom level through the middle level to the top level.
   8  I saw that the Temple was built on a terrace, which provided a foundation for the side rooms. This terrace was 10½ feet [8]  high.  9  The outer wall of the Temple's side rooms was 8¾ feet thick. This left an open area between these side rooms  10  and the row of rooms along the outer wall of the inner courtyard. This open area was 35 feet wide, and it went all the way around the Temple.  11  Two doors opened from the side rooms into the terrace yard, which was 8¾ feet wide. One door faced north and the other south.
   12  A large building stood on the west, facing the Temple courtyard. It was 122½ feet wide and 157½ feet long, and its walls were 8¾ feet [12]  thick.  13  Then the man measured the Temple, and it was 175 feet [13]  long. The courtyard around the building, including its walls, was an additional 175 feet in length.  14  The inner courtyard to the east of the Temple was also 175 feet wide.  15  The building to the west, including its two walls, was also 175 feet wide.
  The sanctuary, the inner room, and the entry room of the Temple  16  were all paneled with wood, as were the frames of the recessed windows. The inner walls of the Temple were paneled with wood above and below the windows.  17  The space above the door leading into the inner room, and its walls inside and out, were also paneled.  18  All the walls were decorated with carvings of cherubim, each with two faces, and there was a carving of a palm tree between each of the cherubim.  19  One face—that of a man—looked toward the palm tree on one side. The other face—that of a young lion—looked toward the palm tree on the other side. The figures were carved all along the inside of the Temple,  20  from the floor to the top of the walls, including the outer wall of the sanctuary.
   21  There were square columns at the entrance to the sanctuary, and the ones at the entrance of the Most Holy Place were similar.  22  There was an altar made of wood, 5¼ feet high and 3½ feet across. [22]  Its corners, base, and sides were all made of wood. "This," the man told me, "is the table that stands in the LORD's presence."
   23  Both the sanctuary and the Most Holy Place had double doorways,  24  each with two swinging doors.  25  The doors leading into the sanctuary were decorated with carved cherubim and palm trees, just as on the walls. And there was a wooden roof at the front of the entry room to the Temple.  26  On both sides of the entry room were recessed windows decorated with carved palm trees. The side rooms along the outside wall also had roofs.
<<  40:1 Hebrew At the beginning of the year, on the tenth day of the month, of the ancient Hebrew lunar calendar. This event occurred on April 28, 573 <%=ftSC%>B.C.; also see note on 1:1.
<<  40:5a Hebrew 6 long cubits [3.2 meters], each being a cubit [18 inches or 45 centimeters] and a handbreadth [3 inches or 8 centimeters] in length. 40:5b Hebrew 1 rod [3.2 meters]; also in 40:5c, 7.
<<  40:6 As in Greek version, which reads 1 rod [3.2 meters] deep; Hebrew reads 1 rod deep, and 1 threshold, 1 rod deep.
<<  40:7 Hebrew 5 cubits [2.7 meters]; also in 40:48.
<<  40:8 Many Hebrew manuscripts add which faced inward toward the Temple; it was 1 rod [10.5 feet or 3.2 meters] deep. 9Then he measured the entry room of the gateway.
<<  40:9a Hebrew 8 cubits [4.2 meters]. 40:9b Hebrew 2 cubits [1.1 meters].
<<  40:11a Hebrew 10 cubits [5.3 meters]. 40:11b Hebrew 13 cubits [6.9 meters].
<<  40:12a Hebrew 1 cubit [53 centimeters]. 40:12b Hebrew 6 cubits [3.2 meters].
<<  40:13 Hebrew 25 cubits [13.3 meters]; also in 40:21, 25, 29, 30, 33, 36.
<<  40:14 Hebrew 60 cubits [31.8 meters]. Greek version reads 20 cubits [35 feet or 10.6 meters]. The meaning of the Hebrew in this verse is uncertain.
<<  40:15 Hebrew 50 cubits [26.5 meters]; also in 40:21, 25, 29, 33, 36.
<<  40:19 Hebrew 100 cubits [53 meters]; also in 40:23, 27, 47.
<<  40:30 As in 40:9, which reads 8 cubits [14 feet or 4.2 meters]; here the Hebrew reads 5 cubits [8¾ feet or 2.7 meters]. Some Hebrew manuscripts and the Greek version lack this entire verse.
<<  40:42 Hebrew 1½ cubits [80 centimeters] long and 1½ cubits wide and 1 cubit [53 centimeters] high.
<<  40:43 Hebrew a handbreadth [8 centimeters].
<<  40:44a As in Greek version; Hebrew reads rooms for singers. 40:44b As in Greek version; Hebrew reads east.
<<  40:48 As in Greek version, which reads The entrance was 14 cubits [7.4 meters] wide, and the walls of the entrance were 3 cubits [1.6 meters] on each side; Hebrew lacks 14 cubits wide, and the walls of the entrance were.
<<  40:49a Hebrew 20 cubits [10.6 meters]. 40:49b As in Greek version, which reads 12 cubits [21 feet or 6.4 meters]; Hebrew reads 11 cubits [19¼ feet or 5.8 meters].
<<  41:1 Hebrew 6 cubits [3.2 meters]; also in 41:3, 5.
<<  41:2a Hebrew 10 cubits [5.3 meters]. 41:2b Hebrew 5 cubits [2.7 meters]; also in 41:9, 11. 41:2c Hebrew 40 cubits [21.2 meters] long and 20 cubits [10.6 meters] wide.
<<  41:3a Hebrew 2 cubits [1.1 meters]. 41:3b Hebrew 7 cubits [3.7 meters].
<<  41:4 Hebrew 20 cubits [10.6 meters]; also in 41:4b, 10.
<<  41:5 Hebrew 4 cubits [2.1 meters].
<<  41:8 Hebrew 1 rod, 6 cubits [3.2 meters].
<<  41:12 Hebrew 70 cubits [37.1 meters] wide and 90 cubits [47.7 meters] long, and its walls were 5 cubits [2.7 meters] thick.
<<  41:13 Hebrew 100 cubits [53 meters]; also in 41:13b, 14, 15.
<<  41:22 Hebrew 3 cubits [1.6 meters] high and 2 cubits [1.1 meters] across.

New Testament:  2 Peter 3

2 Peter 3

The Day of the Lord Is Coming
 1  This is my second letter to you, dear friends, and in both of them I have tried to stimulate your wholesome thinking and refresh your memory.  2  I want you to remember what the holy prophets said long ago and what our Lord and Savior commanded through your apostles.    3  Most importantly, I want to remind you that in the last days scoffers will come, mocking the truth and following their own desires.  4  They will say, "What happened to the promise that Jesus is coming again? From before the times of our ancestors, everything has remained the same since the world was first created."
   5  They deliberately forget that God made the heavens by the word of his command, and he brought the earth out from the water and surrounded it with water.  6  Then he used the water to destroy the ancient world with a mighty flood.  7  And by the same word, the present heavens and earth have been stored up for fire. They are being kept for the day of judgment, when ungodly people will be destroyed.
   8  But you must not forget this one thing, dear friends: A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day.  9  "The Lord isn't really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent."  10  But the day of the Lord will come as unexpectedly as a thief. Then the heavens will pass away with a terrible noise, and the very elements themselves will disappear in fire, and the earth and everything on it will be found to deserve judgment. [10] 
   11  Since everything around us is going to be destroyed like this, what holy and godly lives you should live,  12  looking forward to the day of God and hurrying it along. On that day, he will set the heavens on fire, and the elements will melt away in the flames.  13  But we are looking forward to the new heavens and new earth he has promised, a world filled with God's righteousness.
   14  And so, dear friends, while you are waiting for these things to happen, make every effort to be found living peaceful lives that are pure and blameless in his sight.    15  And remember, our Lord's patience gives people time to be saved. This is what our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you with the wisdom God gave him—  16  speaking of these things in all of his letters. Some of his comments are hard to understand, and those who are ignorant and unstable have twisted his letters to mean something quite different, just as they do with other parts of Scripture. And this will result in their destruction.

Peter's Final Words
 17  I am warning you ahead of time, dear friends. Be on guard so that you will not be carried away by the errors of these wicked people and lose your own secure footing.  18  Rather, you must grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. All glory to him, both now and forever! Amen.
<<  3:10 Other manuscripts read will be burned up; still others read will be found destroyed.

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